Home · Announce · Great Astral Festival—Advent of Sanada Yukimura!
Great Astral Festival—Advent of Sanada Yukimura!

Great Astral Festival is here!

The ultra rare exclusive follower—Sanada Yukimura has come!

With her ultimate spearmanship,

Yukimura is powerful damage dealer who deals even more damage after unleashing ultimate move!

Benzaiten and Brynhildr will also appear in this special summon!

Other powerful followers have also gathered for you to summon!

What are you waiting for?

Exclusive Summon: 13th December 18:00 UTC+8 to 18th December 13:59 UTC+8

Ultra Rare Exclusive Followers︰

6☆ Seven Fukujin.Benzaiten

6☆ Seven Fukujin.Benzaiten J

6☆ Valkyrie.Brynhildr

6☆ Valkyrie.Brynhildr L

6☆ Best Warrior of Yamato.Sanada Yukimura

6☆ The Last Samurai.Sanada Yukimura